It all started here…

It feels like a lifetime ago when I first picked up crocheting and knitting. Back then, I had barely any guidance and few resources to lean on. But when YouTube took off, it completely changed the game for me. Suddenly, I had access to a world of tutorials and creativity that I never had before. Connecting with some of the early online creators helped me work through the doubts and questions that came with trying it all over again. Now, I’m proud to say that my skills have blossomed, and I often tackle complex patterns just for the fun of it!

I don’t crochet or knit for the money, and custom orders? Not my thing. The beauty of this craft, for me, is the freedom to dive into whatever project catches my eye next. It’s like a creative adventure, where I let inspiration lead the way. But here’s the twist—I rarely keep anything I make. Most of my handmade creations find their way to new homes, gifted to people who truly appreciate the artistry and heart behind each piece. There’s a unique joy in sharing something handmade, knowing it’s going to someone who values the craft as much as I do!

I’m always excited to share my latest creations and the tools and tips that make the magic happen. If you’re curious about what I’ve been working on and want to pick up a few tricks along the way, come take a look! You never know, you might just find some inspiration for your next project.

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